How Waste Anesthetic Gas Disposal Works

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At Pure-Line Plumbing, we have extensive experience in the plumbing industry. Our team has worked on countless residential and commercial plumbing projects over the years, and we also specialize in medical gas systems. If you need help keeping your facility’s waste anesthetic gas disposal system in good working order, you can turn to our team.

How Waste Anesthetic Gas Disposal Works

In this article, we’ll provide a brief overview of how waste anesthetic gas disposal works.

  • What is waste anesthetic gas disposal? Anesthetic gases such as nitrous oxide, halothane, and isoflurane have a long history of use in medicine. Inhaling these gases helps keep patients calm during surgery, putting them to sleep. However, these gases are also expelled into the room, which puts the surgeons and medical staff at risk, so it’s necessary to remove them. Waste anesthetic gas disposal systems are used to suck these gases out of the space so the medical staff can remain alert and complete the procedure safely.
  • How does it work? There are two main varieties of waste anesthetic gas disposal systems. One uses specialized vacuum pumps to actively remove waste gases from the operating room. This method is extremely safe and reliable, but these systems are intricate and complicated to install. The second type of waste anesthetic gas removal system uses a universal medical vacuum system to create negative pressure in the room, sucking the waste gases out while pumping more air in to replace what was removed. This type of system requires fewer lines and pumps, making it easier to install.