Many regulatory agencies require medical gas pipe tracing to preserve patient safety. During the medical gas pipe tracing process, the paths that piped medical gases travel after leaving their sources are diagrammed. For example, a medical gas pipe tracing plan will outline where medical gases originate from before going into ORs, ICUs, or other locations where patients receive care.
Every medical gas pipe tracing plan will include a pipe riser diagram that shows where each shutoff valve is located and where these areas are controlled from. This is essential for when the medical gas needs to be switched off for maintenance and emergency shutdowns.
When we provide medical gas pipe tracing services, we label the size of the pipes and add labels to every pipe to indicate their size and length. We will provide a comprehensive document that you can mount in your facility, so you can quickly locate valves and shut off medical gas lines if an emergency occurs.
Medical gas pipe tracing is just one of the many services we provide. Our expertise and experience allow us to be the only source you need to rely on when issues related to your medical gas infrastructure arise.
If you want to know more about what goes into the medical gas pipe tracing process, we would be happy to answer any of your questions. Contact us today to speak to a member of our medical gas plumbing team.